Monday, December 7, 2015

In the Cross Hairs: Identifying the Target Audience

Our communications are more than random words and images. When individuals seek to convey ideas and thoughts, they must be organized in such a way that the intended receiver is moved to action. While some may argue a broad approach in communications will ensure a larger share of the market, defining a targeted audience and incorporating both written and visual elements, enables communications by companies such as The Onion,, and Facebook to achieve proper structure, clear focus, and effective content.

With an irreverent style and sense of purpose, The, an online newspaper successfully reaches a wide audience. It is this author’s opinion that the targeted audience for this communication tends to be those individuals who typically identify in the political realm as Independent or Liberal voters. Further, it may be argued that the subject matter which is overtly political, but does incorporate other areas such as sports and entertainment, also attracts those with a higher level of education.